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Years Of Experience
In today's fast life people are unable to pay attention towards their nutrition. Everyone is so involved in daily routine life that they hardly take care of their health. Once we get sick we are compelled to take 2-4 days rest, medication and number of tests like Cholesterol, Sugar, Uric acid, Calcium, Hemoglobin, etc.. would follow and lastly reach to the conclusion that we must pay attention to our health through proper nutrition and exercise. Normally the word diet is misunderstood by all of us. It must be considered that balanced diet is a life long process. Balanced diet should be as per ones life style, personal health, likes and dislikes, heredity, etc.. That's why we have established Nutricare (step towards healthy life) in year 2002. Nutricare plans diet as per individuals requirements. People from Mumbai, Pune and Western Maharashtra have been benefitted. They are enjoying a healthy life. In this competitive life understand the need for balanced diet and take Nutricare advice and guidance. We provide Nutrition plan to all people (from infants to old age).

We grow with love
Our experts give best health tips